So I JUST learned how to tuck and I am the happiest person ever right now. I learned how to make a gaff out of an elastic waistband and a tube sock. It holds everything super well and I literally look like I have a girl's crotch. I am not a drag queen, but I do wear skinny jeans and if i don't tuck then I have to wear super long shirts to cover that area. I will post a link to the video I watched that explained it perfectly. How to Tuck for Drag Now let me just say that when you make the gaff(which is SO helpful) it probably won't seem like it fits right, but it will. The gaff will fit like a thong kind of. The elastic will need to be stretched between your ass cheeks for it to fit, but it needs to and you get used to it. Also, your balls need to be pushed up more towards the front part of the opening between your legs, not pulled back. They will literally push up inside of you and you can see like two bumps on the bottom area of your stomach and that is how you know you tucked successfully. I know, it seems weird, but this is how it is done. It will feel weird, but you do get used to it. Don't force anything, just experiment with everything until it works, and then you will know. Goodluck gurls!