Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to be a good artist

      I just bought a bamboo graphics tablet after I took up interest in digital art. I have this new interest in digital art mainly due to it's more vibrant colors and the sheer lasting effect of digital pictures as opposed to print pictures. Like it or not, printed pictures fade from smudging, wear and light bleaching. A digital picture is saved and unless it's deleted, that picture isn't going anywhere. Now here comes the rant. I can't stand people who feel that if they have better pencils, better paper or better whatever then they will be a better artist. If you can't work with the basics, then you have no business with the high quality products. However, as much of a strong believer as I am on that, I have found that the graphics tablet vs computer mouse is a BIG difference. The control that a mouse offers is severely limited in comparison to a graphics tablet. Without control over your pen/pencil/market/etc. then you are going to have a hell of a time creating anything remotely decent. I did end up buying the tablet and I love it. Even though I have been drawing since I was four years old and am relatively decent(definitely not the best, not by a long shot), but digital art is a bit of a different concept. I am getting the hang of it, but I have been looking through tutorials, different pictures for examples and studying what they do in them. I have run into a lot of comments on youtube whenever I am looking at the tutorials for paint tool sai(the program I use) and there are so many people who whine and complain because they don't know how to draw something. LISTEN UP PEOPLE! If you don't know how to draw and color hair, then look at pictures of hair! If you can't seem to make eyes look good, then look at tutorials of eyes, pictures and examples of shading. In order to be good at something, it all boils back to what we have heard since we were little: practice makes perfect. You need to study examples of what you would like to create. Look at styles you would like to mimic. You have to practice and try again and again. If you do not look at other successful examples and then practice but yet whine and complain because you do not understand, you will never be good at anything you do and I have no sympathy for people who refuse to take charge and help themselves. In the words of Rupaul, you betta WERK!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Forsaken World

    I'm not sure how many people play MMORPG's, but I personally find them fun. I just recently returned to a game called Forsaken World when they got a new race, the Lycan race and I found it to be very fun. I liek the game because everything about it is just really wonderful and I am a very picky gamer. I like the gothic themes that it has but it is also not overwhelming in dark, gloomy themes either. I think it's just an overall great game and if any of you haven't played it, then you really should. Check out a review for it at

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Obsessed with Rupaul's Drag Race?

     So I actually think I might be obsessed with Rupaul's Drag Race. I cannot stop scouring the web for any and all info on my favorite queens. Personally, Raven is my favorite, I just LOVE her and think she is BEAUTIFUL! I also have been looking at a ridiculous amount of videos all about drag, mainly by Petrilude, he makes great videos and tutorials. Yes, I am a gay man who does in fact tuck every day for school and wear makeup so there is surely a connection there LOL but I think I literally am obsessed with drag queens. Hmmm, I wonder if this is a sign that I will be a drag queen in a few years? *shrugs* That would be fun.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tucking for drag

     So I JUST learned how to tuck and I am the happiest person ever right now. I learned how to make a gaff out of an elastic waistband and a tube sock. It holds everything super well and I literally look like I have a girl's crotch. I am not a drag queen, but I do wear skinny jeans and if i don't tuck then I have to wear super long shirts to cover that area. I will post a link to the video I watched that explained it perfectly. How to Tuck for Drag Now let me just say that when you make the gaff(which is SO helpful) it probably won't seem like it fits right, but it will. The gaff will fit like a thong kind of. The elastic will need to be stretched between your ass cheeks for it to fit, but it needs to and you get used to it. Also, your balls need to be pushed up more towards the front part of the opening between your legs, not pulled back. They will literally push up inside of you and you can see like two bumps on the bottom area of your stomach and that is how you know you tucked successfully. I know, it seems weird, but this is how it is done. It will feel weird, but you do get used to it. Don't force anything, just experiment with everything until it works, and then you will know. Goodluck gurls!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


     I honestly think that at least half of the guys at my school just don't know how to shave! They all face facial hair and they should NOT! If you cannot get past the patchy beard phase, SHAVE! If you are halfway to a beard, SHAVE! If you have a beard, SHAAAAAVE! I think facial hair is SO gross on most guys because most of them simply cannot pull it off, and they need to fix themselves. A lot of them just have long stumble that does not seem to be growing anymore and I know that a lot of them do not shave because they are worried about cutting themselves. I am a guy and I shave everyday so I don't look like a mess and so I can put on my powder without it caking up in my stubble. I actually shave upwards to get an even closer grain and that is harder than shaving downward, and I still never cut myself! I don't even use shaving cream, I just use a razor and water! If I, a clumsy, dumb, uncoordinated goth can shave successfully every morning without scratching up their faces, you pansies surely can too! Guys on the football team, you are the worst! You guys get tackled to the ground in sleet or snow and you are afraid of a tiny razor blade?!? Good God Get a Grip Gurl!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Chewing Tobacco is so gross...

  I am tired of sitting in class and watching people spit their chew onto the carpet and rub it in with their heel. That is so fucking disgusting! If any of you do that, STOP IT!!! To anyone who still does that, I hope you get lip cancer!

Finished Zombie Apocalypse Story

     So, yes, I AM writing another zombie related post. I honestly think that there might be a disease that makes you obsessed with zombies and I have it. It would really suck though if there was a virus that made people zombie obsessed and then turned them into one. That would be my kind of luck in a nutshell. ANYWAY, for the last week I've been writing on a story where I am trying to survive a zombie apocalypse with my two closest friends and two other strangers. I tried to get the personalities as accurate for myself and for them as I could so when they read it they will be saying "THAT IS SO ME!" I just finished editing it last night and it's total is 85 pages. I'm rather surprised with myself actually because I've never finished a story that long in under a week. I also did blow off almost every other important thing  in my life to do it, including college applications that have a deadline that ends in two weeks, but I always have been a bit of a procrastinator. I can finish them in time if I really crack down this weekend and hole up in my room to write the essays for them and send them out. It will be fun...not. Story of my life!