Wednesday, October 24, 2012


     I honestly think that at least half of the guys at my school just don't know how to shave! They all face facial hair and they should NOT! If you cannot get past the patchy beard phase, SHAVE! If you are halfway to a beard, SHAVE! If you have a beard, SHAAAAAVE! I think facial hair is SO gross on most guys because most of them simply cannot pull it off, and they need to fix themselves. A lot of them just have long stumble that does not seem to be growing anymore and I know that a lot of them do not shave because they are worried about cutting themselves. I am a guy and I shave everyday so I don't look like a mess and so I can put on my powder without it caking up in my stubble. I actually shave upwards to get an even closer grain and that is harder than shaving downward, and I still never cut myself! I don't even use shaving cream, I just use a razor and water! If I, a clumsy, dumb, uncoordinated goth can shave successfully every morning without scratching up their faces, you pansies surely can too! Guys on the football team, you are the worst! You guys get tackled to the ground in sleet or snow and you are afraid of a tiny razor blade?!? Good God Get a Grip Gurl!

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