Friday, October 19, 2012

Finished Zombie Apocalypse Story

     So, yes, I AM writing another zombie related post. I honestly think that there might be a disease that makes you obsessed with zombies and I have it. It would really suck though if there was a virus that made people zombie obsessed and then turned them into one. That would be my kind of luck in a nutshell. ANYWAY, for the last week I've been writing on a story where I am trying to survive a zombie apocalypse with my two closest friends and two other strangers. I tried to get the personalities as accurate for myself and for them as I could so when they read it they will be saying "THAT IS SO ME!" I just finished editing it last night and it's total is 85 pages. I'm rather surprised with myself actually because I've never finished a story that long in under a week. I also did blow off almost every other important thing  in my life to do it, including college applications that have a deadline that ends in two weeks, but I always have been a bit of a procrastinator. I can finish them in time if I really crack down this weekend and hole up in my room to write the essays for them and send them out. It will be fun...not. Story of my life!

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