Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fixation with Zombies..?

     So recently I've been a little obsessed with zombies. I'm not sure if it was because season 3 of The Walking Dead was coming out(and I just saw the season premiere and it was wonderful!) or if I am just obsessed. I think I am just obsessed. I am even in the process of writing a story about what I would do in a zombie apocalypse. It is based on real life and it has two of my surviving friends in it and I try to incorporate their personalities as accurately as possible to make it believable. I don't remember when my fixation with zombies started, but ever since then I really have been obsessed with them. If there was a zombie apocalypse, I think I would be well prepared. I need to make a survival guide on this blog...hmm...NEXT POST!

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