Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Trying to improve my writing and BAM!

     For those of you who do not know, I am a writer and I can spend hours typing up on stories I've thought up with a nice cup of coffee. One problem of mine, out of several is that when I am writing a longer book, the quality of my writing is not nearly as good as when I am typing up a short story, and I think that is due to the fact that with a longer story I am eager to get through the slower parts to the more intense scenes. I had an idea to just sit down in front of my laptop one day and start writing a random scene with no previous thought on it beforehand, which I also hoped would help with the stroke of writer's block that I have been having lately because the cure to writer's block is to write. I started on this scene and five minutes in I had a new plot and a great idea and so this great new story emerged. It is still in the process of being typed, but I thought I would take a break to get another cup of coffee and make a post, because I am always so thrilled when things just work out. I think that the reason artists create better work with no idea or a vague idea in their head is because they have no previous guidelines or expectations of how it is supposed to appear and thus when they are finished, the art before them is not a comparison to the vision they have in their head. That's all I've to say for now for I must get back to my story.

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