Sunday, September 30, 2012

Doctor Who Season 6!

     So just as I mentioned in my previous post, I am now watching season 6 of Doctor Who with the 11th Doctor, and even though I haven't finished it yet(which is when I said I would make another Doctor Who post) I am in love with this season! I cannot stop watching this show! It's so addicting! This morning I finished all of my homework and even did chores around the house and once I was all done, I holed up in my room with my laptop and started watching Doctor Who, and I haven't emerged since, except for food, but food is the only thing that is more important than Doctor Who(God I love food!) My favorite part so far was when Riversong(I'm never sure if her name is spelled Riversong or River Song) started shooting up the silence, that made me so happy! She's badass! Anyway, I just wanted to make a quick post about that, and now I am off to go eat lasagna and then I'm going to hole up in my room once again with hot cocoa and finish of my Sunday night with more Doctor who before I have to return to school tomorrow. Ta-Ta!

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