Friday, September 28, 2012

Obama bashers ruined my homework!

     I am not a particularly politically oriented person, in fact, I hate politics. I feel that politics accomplish far more problems than solutions. As drag queen Dida Rits from Season 4 of Rupaul's Drag Race said, "It doesn't take all that screaming and hollering to change the world" and she is absolutely right! I had a homework assignment in my government that required me to research a committee in Congress and in trying to find out about issues that the committee was dealing with, I ran into more articles that did far more bashing on Obama and his policies than actually addressing the issues. In half of the articles, I found out what the issue was called, but not what it was nor what it did, just what Obama did to cause this issue. I felt very frustrated by the time I finished that damn assignment! I personally feel that the content on those sites that speaks about the issues needs to be far less biased and about person-to-person-bashing and far more about what the hell the issue is, because I didn't even know what half the issues were when I finished those articles, and it also made me feel no more angry at Obama like the Republicans wanted me to feel, it made me pissed at the Republicans for writing a shitty press release! So here is a tip to both any politician, Democrat or Republican: If you are writing a press release, do not make the content of the article completely irrelevant to the title! We learned not to do that in middle school, and if you cannot seem to comprehend that concept, than I personally do not think you should be representing our country in any way, shape or form.
Dusk The Strange.

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