Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hot guy in my dream wanted a sex change.

    So I just woke up from a dream where my best friend and I were in school and there was this super hot guy that we apparently knew, and he had just gotten a sex change from a penis to a vagina, but he didn't have boobs and he didn't resemble a woman at all. I think he had to do it for some reason, not because he wanted to, which explains why he wasn't acting  feminine at all. Anyway, so my friend and I were totally digging him and we were just talking to him and I remember very distinctly telling him that we were going to have to go shopping and get him makeup and turn him into a girl. I don't know why this dream was so awesome, probably because we were talking to a really hot guy lol. Anyway, so I was really enjoying this dream, and then I woke up, went back to sleep and my dream became a world where I and several other people were sacred catholic people that were super important and were being targeted by this woman with ultimate destructive power, so we were hiding out in a room made of glass up at the top of a skyscraper and watching her on the ground several stories below before she started trying to kill us. It was so weird. My dreams are always just bizarre, but if it were up to me, I would definitely go back to the first dream! That guy was hot, whether he had a vag or not!

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