Friday, September 28, 2012

Vampire fangirls=acceptable; necropheliacs=freaks?

  So I don't know about anybody else, but I'm getting really rather annoyed with these silly teenage girls who are obsessed with vampires and the undead as if these brutal creatures would be their boyfriends and would "change their ways" for them. Psh, I don't think so dumbass! The fangirling doesn't bother me as much as the fact that these girls who are talking about having undead, blood sucking boyfriends are scoffing at those of us who have an actual attraction to the rotting remains of a corpse. Does that not seem just a little hypocritical? I understand that they may be hot, but just because a half rotten pelvic bone doesn't sexually please you does not mean that I am a freak for wanting to rub it sexually! Go fangurl over something else! Sexual attraction to the dead is my pleasure!

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